Update on Harcourt Town Centre Vision and biodiversity assessment work

Published on 24 July 2023


Update on Harcourt Town Centre Action Plan

Council officers have recently completed the Harcourt Town Centre Action Plan following consultation with the Harcourt community earlier this year. This is to be presented to Council to consider for adoption towards the end of 2023.

The Action Plan lists ten key projects that celebrate Harcourt’s beautiful features and conceives a town that is liveable and connected. To help inform the actions relating to transport, a strategy funded by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) has also been prepared to improve the safety and amenity of all road users in Harcourt with a focus on encouraging walking and cycling.

To learn more about the Harcourt Town Centre Action Plan visit Shape Mount Alexander.

Update on Biodiversity assessment work as part of Plan Harcourt

To progress the Plan Harcourt Planning Scheme Amendment, and ensure it is protecting biodiversity in Harcourt, Council has completed a 2-staged biodiversity assessment.

The stage 1 assessment found that while the Plan Harcourt Amendment attempts to protect higher value biodiversity in certain ways, a second stage assessment is required in order to confirm higher biodiversity areas.

These findings reinforce the independent Planning Panel’s key recommendation that the Plan Harcourt Amendment should not proceed until further work is completed to strategically plan for biodiversity protections.

Council engaged Ranges Environmental Consulting to undertake Stage 2 of the Strategic Biodiversity Assessment, this is now completed in draft form. For further updates and to view a copy of Stage 1 and 2 of the biodiversity assessment visit Plan Harcourt.

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