Volunteer for Community Christmas Lunch this festive season
Published on 28 October 2024
Do you want to help spread festive cheer in your community this Christmas?
Volunteer at this year’s Community Christmas Lunch in Castlemaine.
Presented by Castlemaine Community House with support from Mount Alexander Shire Council, the lunch is a free celebration open to all shire residents.
The event is held on Christmas Day every year and is a great way to come together, connect with your community and enjoy the season’s festivities in a friendly environment.
Volunteers are needed for the following tasks:
- Kitchen/meal preparation
- Hall and table decoration
- Gift wrapping
- Driving/transportation
- Wellbeing support
“It’s a hugely festive day and a celebration of community, exactly what Christmas Day should be,” said Lee, a Community Christmas volunteer.
“In the last couple of years there have been more than 200 people attending the free Christmas lunch, and probably 30 or more volunteers.
“I volunteer because it’s fun, I meet lots of people and because there are lots of ways I can help out.
“The food, donated by local businesses and organised by a squadron of volunteers, is amazing!”
To find out more about volunteering, contact Castlemaine Community House on 5472 4842 or reception@cch.org.au.
Other way to contribute to the day include donations of:
- small gifts for children and adults
- produce and food (e.g. garden surplus of fruit and vegetables, a bag of rice, a bottle of olive oil) to help add to the meals
- art and craft supplies such as textas, craft paper, goods, etc.
- cash donations to support the event.
Castlemaine Christmas Community Lunch is proudly brought to you by Castlemaine Community House, Mount Alexander Shire Council, HALT (Hope Assist Local Tradies, Dhelkaya Health, Phoenix Country Women’s Association, and would not be possible without the generous donations of many local business and community individuals.