Welcome to Maldon: historic town welcomes new entry sign

Published on 31 July 2023


Mount Alexander Shire Council’s historic town of Maldon continues its journey of revitalisation with a new township entry sign.

The sign features the Mt Tarrengower Lookout Tower and was chosen by Maldon residents following community consultation.

The new Maldon township signs are part of Council’s initiative to progressively update signs across the shire, which is called the Contemporary Signage Series.

This series will create a visual statement for each township that pays tribute to the shire’s heritage, traditions, landscape and history, while acknowledging the uniqueness of each town.

Council used Shape Mount Alexander, an online consultation platform, to engage with the Maldon community about their preferred visual representation of the town.

The initial consultation called for residents to suggest iconic Maldon images that would work well as a silhouette. Examples suggested were the Beehive Mine Chimney, an historic shopfront, local flora and fauna, and the Mt Tarrengower Lookout Tower.

Based on input, Council presented two options back to the community: an historic shopfront and Mt Tarrengower Tower, with the tower being the most popular choice voted on.

The final result is a township entry sign that reflects Maldon’s unique heritage that the whole community can be proud of.

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