What matters to you? Get involved and help guide what we do and how we do it over the next four years. Share your feedback before 22 April.
For queries about rates and valuations visit our online enquiry form.
Find out when rates installments are due and how to pay you rates, including online, BPAY, direct debit and more.
Learn about how your rates help us make Mount Alexander Shire healthy, connected community.
Understand how your annual rates are calculated.
Find information about property valuations, different rates you may be eligible for, waste charges, and more.
Do you think your valuation is too high, or there is an error? Find ways to lodge an objection or a query here.
Information on how to change your mailing address, name or occupier details.
Find out how to register to receive your rates notice online or by mail.
Learn about your options if you're facing financial troubles and need help paying your rates on time.