Parenting in the modern world: Understanding teens and tweens emotions
Learn about the fundamental differences between the whys and hows of tweens' and teens' brains and emotional journeys. Practical tips, strategies and resources to help maintain connections and ride the tween/teen emotional rollercoaster more smoothly.
Q & A and refreshment break included.
Please arrive at 5.15pm for a 5.30pm start.
In partnership with Mount Alexander Shire and Dhelkeya Health.
Thursday, 06 June 2024 | 05:15 PM
- 07:30 PM
Castlemaine Library, 212 Barker Street, Castlemaine, 3555, View Map
212 Barker Street ,
Castlemaine 3555
Castlemaine Library
212 Barker Street ,
Castlemaine 3555
Parenting in the modern world: Understanding teens and tweens emotions