What matters to you? Get involved and help guide what we do and how we do it over the next four years. Share your feedback before 22 April.
Find information on bin collection and replacement, transfer stations, and tips on how to reduce your waste at home.
Learn how your rates are calculated, how they help deliver services, and how to pay your rates.
Find permits relating to your property including building, planning, burning off and septic tanks.
Information on pets and wildlife including pet registration, renewal and updates, off-lead areas for dogs, wildlife rescue and pests.
Find property information like bin collection dates and nearby Council facilities as well as area information like your local Councillor.
How to report blocked or overflowing drains, find legal points of discharge, and other drainage permits and questions.
Find information about Council's horticultural services.
Find out how to best resolve neighbourhood disputes, ensuring a stronger, more connected community.
Fires and floods are a risk to many homes in the shire. Find out how to protect your home, your family, and yourself.