What matters to you? Get involved and help guide what we do and how we do it over the next four years. Share your feedback before 22 April.
Enter your address into our waste collection module to find out what day your bins are collected.
What to do if your bin has been stolen, gone missing or is damaged and how to request a new bin collection service. Understand the different bin sizes and cost of this service.
Read our itemised A-Z guide to disposing of waste in the Mount Alexander Shire.
Find about where you can recycle and dispose of rubbish, opening hours, and associated charges.
Lots of great information about recycling food scraps, composting, how to dispose of green waste and Victoria’s Container Deposit scheme.
Victoria's Container Deposit Scheme provides Victorians with a 10 cent refund for every eligible drink container returned at a refund point.
Mount Alexander Shire Council does not provide a hard rubbish collection but large unwanted items can be taken to one of our transfer stations.
Find out what to do if you witness somebody illegally dumping their rubbish in a public place.
Read Council's Waste Management Strategy 2023 - 2033.