Residential bin collection

Council provides residential waste and recycling collection to certain areas.

Bin collection changes on Total Fire Ban days

On Total Fire Ban Days bins are collected earlier in the morning than usual. Make sure you place your bins out the night before the day of collection, to avoid your bin being missed by an early collection.


Find your bin day

General waste (red lid) binsare collected weekly. Recycling (yellow lid) binsare collected fortnightly on the same day as the red lid bins

To find out your waste collection day, go to our Find your bin collection day page.

How to place your bins

  • Place bins out before 6.00am on your collection day (i.e. place out the night before)
  • Place bin close to the gutter with the handles facing your house
  • Place your garbage and recycling bins at least one metre apart
  • Place only approved recyclables in the recycling bin
  • Please do not overfill or place anything on top of the bins
  • After collection place your bins back inside your property boundary

What goes in each bin?

It is important that you place the right items in each bin.

Visit our What goes in each bin? page for more information on how to organise your garbage and recycling. If you're still not sure about how to dispose of an item, visit our A-Z guide to waste and recycling.

Food and garden waste

We do not currently provide a home collection service for organic (garden and food) waste. 

We are investigating ways to best collect and process (recycle) food scraps and garden waste. In the meantime we encourage home composting and worm farming.

Outside the free green waste disposal period, you can take your garden waste (not food waste) to the Castlemaine and Maldon transfer stations for a fee depending on the weight of the green waste.