Waste transfer stations

Council operates two transfer stations.

Castlemaine Transfer Station 

Sluicers Road, Castlemaine
03 5471 1700
Monday to Sunday 8:00 am to 4.00 pm
(Except Total Fire Ban days, Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday)

Payment methods: Cash and card payments accepted. Cheques are not accepted.

Please note: the weighbridge at the Castlemaine Transfer Station is not a public weighbridge for the weighing of caravans or other private vehicles. To search for your nearest weighbridge, visit Find a public weighbridge.

Maldon Transfer Station

Morris Street, Maldon
03 5471 1700
Wednesday and Friday 9.30am to 1.00pm; Saturday and Sunday 9.00am to 1.00pm

(Except Total Fire Ban Days, Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday)

Payment method: Cash only. Cheques are not accepted.

Please note the Castlemaine and Maldon transfer stations are in the North Central Fire District. The transfer stations will be closed on Total Fire Ban days or at short notice to protect public safety as required if conditions deteriorate. More information can be found on the Fire Prevention - Fire Ready page.

To find about what goes in each bin, what you can recycle, and how to dispose of different types of waste read our Recycling and Waste Guide(PDF, 2MB) page. To help you save time and money at the Waste Facility please also refer to the 'Sort your load before you go' section below.

Sort your load before you go

Did you know you can recycle a wide range of materials at the Castlemaine Transfer Station and by taking a little extra time to sort your load before you leave home, you can save yourself plenty of time by easily disposing of the different materials at each of the designated collection points.

The Castlemaine Transfer Station has a large commingled recycling collection point which collects paper products, rigid plastics (excluding polystyrene), glass bottles and jars, steel cans and household aluminium.

You can also recycle e-waste, scrap metal, green waste, waste oil, car batteries, mattresses and the list goes on.

Tips and tricks

  • Check - check ahead to find out what can be recycled.
  • Sort and separate - sort your load so it is easy for the operator to see what will be recycled and cheaper for you as a lot of recyclable items are free to dispose.
  • Secure – secure your load with appropriate straps and covers to reduce roadside litter and ensure safety of all road users.


Asbestos disposal

Find out how to dispose of asbestos in the Mount Alexander Shire by visiting our Asbestos page.  


Prohibited waste

  • Liquid wastes (with the exception of motor oils which can be disposed of for recycling at Castlemaine Transfer Station - fee applies)
  • Soluble chemical wastes
  • Infectious wastes, pharmaceutical wastes and pathogenic wastes
  • Triple interceptor trap waste
  • Grease trap waste
  • Used chemical containers which have not been triple rinsed of chemical residues, crushed and punctured
  • Prescribed prohibited wastes as defined in the "Environment Protection Regulations" (1987)
  • Asbestos in commercial quantities (more than half a cubic metre)
  • Clean fill / Dirt / Soil - due to EPA requirements around contaminated soil, Mount Alexander Shire Council cannot accept soil or clean fill at our transfer stations unless a certificate is provided to prove it is not contaminated


Commercial waste disposal

Please note that the Maldon Transfer Station and the Castlemaine Waste Management Facility do not accept commercial quantities of waste.

If you are unsure and require more information, please contact Council on 03 5471 1700.