Certificate of Barrier Compliance

If your pool or spa was built after 1 November 2020, your building surveyor will issue a certificate of barrier compliance as part of the building permit process.

You will need to lodge this with your registration within 30 days of the occupancy permit or certificate of final inspection being issued.

If your pool or spa was built before 1 November 2020, you still need to register. Once you have registered, we will provide you with a due date to lodge your certificate of compliance.  

Swimming pool owners are required to lodge a Certificate of Barrier Compliance upon registration and every 4 years thereafter.

Lodge your certificate

Step 1.Receive your certificate

When you register your pool or spa your building surveyor or inspector will issue a Form 23 Certificate of Barrier Compliance, if your barrier meets the required safety standard.

You will need to upload the certificate within 30 days of receiving it from your building surveyor or inspector.

Step 2.Make sure you have the right certificate

Please note:

  • A Certificate of Final Inspection is not a Certificate of Barrier Compliance
  • An Occupancy Permit is not a Certificate of Barrier Compliance

You can download an example Certificate of Barrier Compliance(PDF, 186KB) here.

If you are a building inspector or building surveyor wishing to lodge a Certificate of Barrier Non-Compliance, click on the "Non-compliance" tab above.

Step 3.Make payment

A lodgement fee of $21.90 applies and most payment methods are accepted. This fee is set by the Victorian state government.

Make payment at the Customer Service Centre during opening hours, Monday to Friday. 

Castlemaine Civic Centre
27 Lyttleton Street, Castlemaine

Step 4.Lodge your certificate

You need to lodge your Certificate of Barrier Compliance when you register your pool or spa.

For information visit the Register your pool or spa page.
