Plan Harcourt


Plan Harcourt is a Council document that explores land use planning, town centre design, and local economic development ideas. Plan Harcourt has two parts:

  1. The Harcourt Framework Plan(PDF, 909KB)

  2. Shine Harcourt Leanganook

A Harcourt Strategic Infrastructure Plan(PDF, 1MB) has also been prepared. It identifies the infrastructure that needs to be delivered in order to meet the needs of the growing population.

Latest news

The Plan Harcourt planning scheme amendment, known as 'Amendment C94malx', was gazetted into the planning scheme on Friday 14th February 2025.

All documentation associated with the amendment can be found in the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme.



For further information, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning team on 03 5471 1700 or email


Why is Plan Harcourt needed?

Harcourt has been identified as a small town that's set up to handle future growth in the region. This is acknowledged in both the Loddon Mallee South Regional Growth Plan 2014 and the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme.

As Harcourt grows and changes over time, it's important to plan carefully. This means keeping in mind the local values of the area and the productive farming that happens nearby. Any plans for growth in Harcourt should make sure there's enough infrastructure in place and that the natural and cultural features of the area are protected for the benefit of future residents.

What is the Harcourt Framework Plan?

The Harcourt Framework Plan is a strategic planning document that formed the basis of the changes to the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme.

The Plan includes policy directions and a graphical map that designates future growth and change in the township, this can also now be found in the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme.


July 2020 - Plan Harcourt adopted by Council

November 2022 - Minister for Planning authorises Council to proceed with the amendment subject to conditions

January 2022 to March 2022 - Eight-week exhibition period (submissions received from the public and government agencies/authorities)

June 2022 - Council considers all submissions and resolves to appoint a planning panel to consider outstanding issues from submissions

September - November 2022 - Planning Panel held and recommendations report released

December 2022 - Council officers receive support from Regional Planning Hub to undertake further work recommended by the panel

April 2023 - Commercial land demand assessment completed alongside community consultation on its findings

March 2023 to June 2024 - Biodiversity assessments undertaken with inputs from key stakeholders

May 2024 to June 2024 - Community engagement on the findings of the biodiversity assessments including recommended planning controls

30 August 2024 - Amendment C94malx documentation submitted to the Minister for Planning for approval

14 February 2025 - Amendment C94malx gazetted into the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme


Planning Panel recommendations

In 2022, the panel recommended that Mount Alexander Planning Scheme Amendment C94malx be abandoned until further work is completed. The panel also made recommendations that Council should:

  • Prepare a strategic level biodiversity assessment
  • Prepare a commercial land demand assessment
  • Update Plan Harcourt to ensure it is consistent with the further work and updated amendment

Since the report was released, Council officers have received support from the Department of Transport and Planning’s Regional Planning Hub to undertake the further work items recommended by the panel and finalised the amendment with changes.


Findings of Stage 1 Strategic Biodiversity Assessment

The assessment has been completed and can be viewed by downloading the Stage 1 of a 2 Stage Strategic Biodiversity Assessment(PDF, 4MB).

Stage 1 focused on reviewing background documents and a desktop analysis of high value biodiversity assets in Harcourt. Consultation and brief site assessments were also conducted to inform findings. No detailed plant and animal assessments were undertaken for this study.

These findings confirmed that further assessments are required to determine the extent of high value areas and means of biodiversity protection through appropriate planning controls.

As a result, Council officers engaged Ranges Environmental Consulting to conduct Stage 2 of the Strategic Biodiversity Assessment.

Findings of Stage 2 Strategic Biodiversity Assessment 

The assessment has been completed and can be viewed by downloading the Stage 2 Strategic Biodiversity Assessment.(PDF, 43MB)

A number of important plant and animal species were identified in the strategic biodiversity assessments. The new planning controls aim to protect biodiversity by guiding development away from sensitive areas.

Consultation on the planning controls and biodiversity assessments occurred during May and June of 2024.

A project Shape page was created to engage with the community on the findings of the strategic biodiversity assessments, to view the full history of the biodiversity assessments and the consultation that occurred, please visit the Mount Alexander Shape page


Superb Fairy Wren

Findings of the Commercial Land Demand Assessment 

Council officers completed the Commercial Land Demand Assessment(PDF, 2MB) that was recommended by the panel.

The assessment found that Harcourt doesn't need as much commercial land as initially proposed. Instead of 2.9 hectares, only 2.0 hectares are necessary, including the 1.2 hectares already in use for commercial activities.

In light of the commercial land demand assessment’s findings, Council updated the Plan Harcourt amendment documentation and the amount of land rezoned to Commercial 1 Zone was reduced.

Community engagement

Consultation on the project is now closed.

This project is now completed and has been approved by the Minister for Planning. Amendment C94malx was gazetted into the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme on Friday 14th February 2025.