Business grants

Mount Alexander Grants Connect

Council is excited to offer Mount Alexander Grants Connect to all businesses, community groups and not-for-profits located in Mount Alexander Shire.

This free service provides a comprehensive list of all grant and funding opportunities available Australia-wide.

Environmental Upgrade Finance

Council offers Environmental Upgrade Agreements in partnership with the Sustainable Melbourne Fund to help local businesses save money and improve their environmental performance.

What is an Environmental Upgrade Agreement (EUA)?

An EUA is an attractive financing agreement to improve the environmental performance of a commercial building. The agreement is between a financial institution, a property owner and Council.

Eligible commercial property owners can apply for up to 100% of project costs with repayments structured through Council’s rates on a quarterly basis. The minimum loan amount is $15,000.

How do I find out more?

The Information Sheet has details on the benefits of the scheme, eligibility criteria and project suitability.

How do I apply?

To enquire about applying for an EUA contact Sustainable Melbourne Fund. They will check your eligibility and assist you throughout the application process.

Phone: 03 9658 8740

Key documents: